Our next meeting is on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 7 pm AZ time ( GMT -07). Our meetings take place via Zoom. Please contact us to receive an invitation to the Zoom meeting. Meetings continue to be free and open to all.
Watch Roger S., from our iPUG group, demonstrate how to find Dew Point data in the native iOS 16 Weather app:
With iOS 16, the native Weather app offers additional data. Dew Point information is important for Tucson, AZ, as it helps determine the monsoon season.

Liza Donelly, illustrator for the New Yorker, often live-draws events she reports on, such as live-drawing the Oscars. She uses Paper, by 53 on her iPad.

Is there a more fun guilty pleasure than Solitaire?! Get it as a free app from Edgerift! Theirs is addictive, with beautiful graphics and fluid performance. (Just remember to stop every so often.)
Who We are
Back in 2000, we started out as a group of people who like Palms (Palm III's and V's, Treos, Tungstens, Visors, Zodiacs, Cliés, etc. -- remember those?). In 2007, a few of us got shiny new iPhones (the originals, remember those?), as well as iPod Touches. Today, in 2024, all our members combine both an iPhone and an iPad (or two), and most also use Apple Watches.We get together once a month to discuss the use of our mobile devices, to talk about software applications, hardware, cloud and AI, privacy and security, as they relate to mobile technology. We are not affiliated with Apple, we are just happy nerds who enjoy technology ;-)
Our meetings are free and open to all. Everyone is welcome, novices and power users alike.